Docx's LoveNest

To make an ice cream clown

Have you ever had your world turned upside-down by a smile, dear reader? Because it happened to me and here's the culprit: honk honk

I know, I know... Those eyes, this cheeky tongue, the little hat...

Obviously you've fallen for him too so let's see what you need to recreate it at home!

  1. Begin by making his ruff with the chantilly, a little receptacle for our little one.
  2. Scoop the strawberry ice cream and plop it in the middle of the collar. Try to make a nice scoop, we want our clown's body to be standing proudly, laughing in the faces of those who said it was too silly to be.
  3. Scoop the vanilla ice cream and plop it on top. Make sure to rinse the scoop as we wouldn't want a bloody face for such a pretty lil' buddy.
  4. Take the red dragée and put it where the tongue should be, do the same with the three other dragées (right eye, left eye and nose ; in case you forgot). Here's a picture of a face for reference :
(((((((((((((( \\\\
))) ~~      ~~  (((
((( (*)     (*) )))
)))     <       (((
((( '\______/`  )))
)))\___________/((( Art by Elissa Potier
  1. And now, for the most important part, take the ice cream cone and put it on his head, like a hat (because it is a hat). Make sure he likes the way it's on (I mean, he doesn't have arms. I bet you'd like to make sure your hat is on the right way if you couldn't move it by yourself).

Congratulation, you have an ice cream clown.
Thank you for everything little clown, I mean it.

#clown #food